Muscovy Ducks for Sale
(Subject to availability)
We are not commercial duck breeders so we do not have a large number of ducks. We would normally have about 12 to 20 ducks at a time excluding the ducklings. For us, this is a lot of ducks, too much for us to consume or sell to our neighbours in a small village. So we thought that maybe some people living outside of the village might wish to buy some ducks.
You can buy ducklings or ducks. We also sell dressed ducks. Muscovy ducks are called “Barbary Ducks” in the culinary context. This meat is plump, firm and its taste is often compared to roast beef. This meat is also lean and has less fat than other market meats or mallard duck meats. Popular Philippine duck recipes include Patotin (duck cooked in coconut wine) and Roasted Duck. Other exciting recipes from other countries are Duck confit, Duck à l’orange, Bebek Betutu, Barbary duck with red wine cherries, Duck breast in sesame honeycrust, Barbarie in Romanoff sauce with rice, Pumpkin curry with peppers and duck, and more.
About Our Ducks
Our ducks are allowed to free-range in the garden with their own pond for swimming. They eat commercial feeds combined with chopped or grated coconuts and sometimes chopped banana trunks. The ducklings are allowed to free-range but if there too many ducklings, some are kept in a separate coop to protect them from crushing. In confinement, they are fed chick booster, coconuts, papaya fruits, fresh anchovies, rice and green leafy fodder, and at 6 weeks old are let out into the garden to forage.
We do not sell ducklings younger than 2 weeks because they need to stay with their mother. We do not sell duck eggs.
How Much Our Ducks Cost
These are our prices as of January 2019:
Ducklings (about 2-7 weeks old) – 75 pesos each
Young Ducks (about 2-5 months old weighing at least 1 kilo) – 200 pesos each
Mature Ducks (6 months and above) – 500 pesos each
Dressed Ducks (Barbary Ducks)
(These are ducks less than 6 months old so the meat is softer. These are prepared with head and feet intact. Liver, heart and gizzard are included. Let us know if you would like to include the intestines and blood. Place your order at least two days in advance so that your duck can be prepared).
Dressed Duck – 250 pesos per kilo
For orders/inquiries contact:
Make an appointment to visit:
Call or Text Fatima/Penny
Mobile: +63 9298057723
Our location:
San Roque, Baclayon, Bohol, Philippines
Do We Deliver?
We’re thinking about it! We’re so low-tech we don’t even have a vehicle. But we can hire a neighbour with a tricycle to deliver to your place or we can commute some ducks! 😉 So that’ll be extra cost. Contact us and we’ll talk about it.
Duck Gallery