It was in October 2011 when we got our first goat Buttercup. We got her when she was about 3 months old on a kind of informal “lend-a-goat” scheme from a neighbour. When Buttercup was nine months old, she gave birth to her very first kid, Polly.

After about 11 months, Buttercup gave birth to her second kid. We called the new kid Latte. It was not easy delivering Latte because he was a rather large kid. His father was a large white Nubian.

Later, to prevent in-breeding, we exchanged Polly for a female goat, Snowball. We don’t know exactly how old Snowball is. In April 2015, she gave birth to a large kid, Bullet. It wasn’t easy delivering Bullet, but she made it!

At the moment, we are keeping three goats plus one goat from Penny, a total of four goats. So we built a goat house where the goats are kept during the night. Early in the morning, the goats are herded outside to pasture. Then late in the afternoon they are brought back home. We intend to sell Bullet before the end of this year 2015 so mommy Snowball can have another kid, or maybe even two!